Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Oh my. I just can't seem to win with this garden. I get rid of one kind of pest, and here comes another. :/ I guess that's just part of it. I had some big green tomato worms that I finally got out of the garden, then some smaller, darker worms, and now the squash beetles have started eating my tomatoes that the worms finally left alone. Goodness sakes. I don't want to use pesticides, so then, of course, you get pests! ;) I've gotten some great cantaloupes and watermelon, lettuce and squash from our garden, (before the beetles), but some of the newer watermelons are having trouble. Who knows? Just nature, I guess. :)

I do, so much, enjoy the gardening. It's really hard work, but so neat when you actually get to pick something off the vine and take it right in and have it for dinner. So fun. We've also gotten some cucumbers, (which I found out are melons, who knew?), and some new plants are growing now too. I think I'll plant another crop of squash for a fall crop to try and get some new ones to grow. When it's cooler outside, I'll be able to spray the plants with natural pepper oils to keep the insects off , without the heat burning them. We'll see. :)

Well, just some gardening thoughts coming your way. God bless you all! Be safe and watchful out there.

Cassandre' :)

1 comment:

gabmo said...

With all the rain and then the heat we have had most gardens are not doing well. Melons are the only thing that has really grown well for us this year. Don't give up!!

As usual, we really enjoyed your show today. You make it so fun and your orchestra is amazing!! Quite the group!!
"Georgie Girl"