Friday, July 24, 2009

Hello All! :)

Hello Everyone! :) I hope you're all well and having a great day when you read this! :)

The show is going quite well. I'm so thankful for everyone that is coming to see us. We are having so much fun! It's nice to sing songs that feel good in my voice and and that make people smile. Erma is having a great time with her new singing number! People are saying that they are really enjoying the show and that makes me so happy! I can't wait to see you all there! Thank you to all of you that have been able to be there already. It's fun to get to meet you and see you again! Just so you know, I will have three 8:00 shows on August 12, 14 and 16, so that will be interesting to see how that goes! It will be fun to have an evening time for once!

I haven't been able to play golf just lately, but I'm hoping to go out tomorrow for a bit! We'll see. :) It's relaxing to be outside and just take it easy. Hearing the birds and the breeze in the trees is lovely. So, even if I don't play like a pro, it's quite enjoyable! :)

The plants that I have are doing amazingly well! They have grown so much, and in such a little bit of time. It's so surprising! God made everything so beautiful. :) The nice, cooler weather was probably good for them! It's been a bit warmer again, but not as hot as it was before. :)

God bless you all and stay safe! Have a great weekend and week! Please feel free to e-mail me anytime! Thanks for visiting. :)

Cassandre' :)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hello Everyone! :) I hope you're all having a great day! :)

How was your Fourth of July? Mine was great! :) Tim, my parents and I went on the Showboat and were able to watch the fireworks from the top of the boat! :) Oh, it was so pretty! I loved it! There were fireworks all around us and the weather was just perfect! Our friend, Steve, got us a wonderful deal on tickets and we are so thankful for that! :) I hope you all had a great holiday celebrating our independence!

The show has been going really well! Erma has put in a new number! I won't say what, because it needs to be a surprise! :D It's very fun. Yesterday, the fog machine went a little bonkers and filled the theater with so much fog, I couldn't see the audience for a time. Someone finally had to unplug the machine and work on it so it would be alright for the second half of the show. :) We got the theater cleared of the fog during intermission and we could all see again! :) Ha! It's a completely safe sugar water that is used, so no harm done. :)

My parents helped me get some lovely little plants planted during their visit and it's so nice to have them! I love looking at them and seeing how they are growing!

My friends, Clint and Shari, just had a new little baby this morning! :) Congratulations to them! He is so cute! What a blessing. :)

Stay cool in the heat everyone and have a great day! I hope your summer is going well and you're all feeling well and happy! God bless you and travel safely!

Your friend,
Cassandre' :)