Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!!

Hello Everyone!! :) Happy Mother's Day to all of the Moms. I hope you're all having a wonderful day! I hope this whole week brings you happiness, relaxation and well-deserved rest! Mothers are amazing, beautiful, wonderful people that make it possible for all of us to be here!! I'm so thankful for the gift that my mom is to me. How blessed we are to have such great people in our lives. You may have lots of people who are a "mom" for you in your life. Remember to thank them! :)

It's finally warm in Branson! I can hardly believe it. Goodness. It went from cool and rainy, to pretty warm, in a day. I haven't gotten used to the heat, yet, but I'm so glad no more rain is falling. There are many people that have water issues with their homes. I sincerely hope that everyone recovers quickly from this difficult situation.

We are having the best year of shows, by far!! We have had such a great response to this year's show. The music is so fun, it's a friendly show and the band is better than ever! If you've not yet seen the show this year, you'll have to come and see it for yourself. You will have fun, hear your favorite songs and you'll laugh with the band and Aunt Erma, of course! :)

The picture up top is of an amazing dessert crepe I had while on vacation in Hawaii. It would be so neat if that crepe shop were here, but,'s not. (Probably a blessing). Ha!

You can comment on here and let me know how you're all doing with things in your life! Thanks so much for visiting. Be safe out there. Watch for kids playing in this nice weather and be cautious driving. God bless you all!


Cassandre' :)