The show is going really well. Things are even better than they were last year. We feel so blessed to be having such great audiences. The orchestra is doing a fantastic job and our new tenor, Jeremy, is so much fun to have in the show. I'm so thankful to all of you who support us! We are looking for venues to play some concerts, so if you know of anyone who needs a group to perform, please go to and go to the bookings page! :) Thanks!
Well, I also have even better news than the show stuff! Within 2 weeks, Tim and I were blessed with a nephew and a niece! They are both such sweet cuties! How fun! I had no idea that I would be such a ridiculous aunt! Ha! I'm loving it so much.
I haven't been able to play golf in a really long time. It's been almost a year, actually. I really miss it, and hope I can get out there and play when it gets a little cooler! A lot of my time is spent promoting the show, giving voice lessons and selling Mary Kay. I enjoy all of these things, too. Sometimes, I forget what I was going to do in my spare time, and I remember it the next day when I'm busy again! Oh my. Who knows? :)
We have shows this next week, June 23rd and 25th, Wed. and Fri., at 2 p.m. Then, we are the first three Fridays of July at 2 p.m. After that, I have time for vacation. We come back August 9th, a Monday and do three 8 p.m. shows. So our first three back after the vacation are August 9th, 11th, and 13th, Mon., Wed., Fri., at 8 p.m. We would love to see you all at any of these! :) We go back to 2 p.m. for the most part after that! :)
Thanks for visiting today and have a great week! God bless you all and be safe traveling! Watch for kids and be careful in the heat.
Cassandre' :)